It’s Christmas Eve

23 12 2012

It’s the 23rd December 2012, but in my house its Christmas Eve!

This will be the forth Christmas since my husband and I went our separate ways and as with any divorce involving children, someone has to be without them on Christmas Day. This year it’s my turn.

My children aren’t small any more, they are 13 and 16 and only pretend to believe to keep me happy because Christmas is one of my most favourite times of the year.

From when they were small I would do all the usual things, decorate, cook, write letters to Santa that I had to try and look in before they were posted! Every year as she got older my daughter would put a little “request” in of Santa, first it was an unusual soft toy and things that were hard to find but not unmanageable. Then one year, she was about 8 or 9 and starting to question whether Santa was actually real. “I’m going to ask Santa for proof” she announced whilst writing her letter. To say I was a little panicked is an understatement, she did everything she could so I did not see her letter but just by luck I managed to sneak a look.

“Dear Santa, Mum says I should tell you I have been good and what I would like for Christmas. If you are really Santa all I would like is a footprint from Rudolph. Thank you, love Maddy”

I nearly fell off my chair! Why did I leave it til 10days before Christmas to write a letter? How was I going to pull this one off?

Then I had a brainwave! Near to us is a fantastic little zoo called “Paradise Park” and they have reindeer! I was straight on the phone “this may sound a strange request but I am a mum who’s daughter has challenged Santa and I need help”……

Christmas Eve we did all the usual, sausage roll and a baileys for Santa (keeps him warm I tell her) and a carrot for the reindeer. Off she went to bed and said “I don’t think Santa is real, Mummy” my heart sank, this was it the time when my little girl no longer believed. “Who else will fill your stocking?”I asked. She shrugged her little shoulders and just got in to bed.

A little past 6am and I was woken by my baby girl jumping on my bed waving something at me. “He’s real, he’s real” was about all I could make out.

In her hands was a piece of green shiny card that had a big hoof print on it and just two words “always believe”!

So, the challenges stopped and to this day at 16 she looks at me with a smile and says “I believe”.

The day may change from year to year but the magic never has to end. Life is what you make it!

I may be on my own this Christmas Day, just me, the dogs, leftovers and bad TV but I will have a warm heart knowing that my children had a magical Christmas……




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