We are what we THINK!

17 06 2012

We are what we eat!

It’s the battle cry of many a diet Guru, and to a certain extent it’s true. However, more importantly there is another mantra that we should all be meditating on – We are what we THINK!

Positive mental attitude has always been something used as a tool by successful athletes and I do believe even Richard Branson uses this technique before business meetings. I believe this is something essential for all of us throughout all aspects of our lives. Putting a “positive spin” on situations or activities that may be daunting, scary, hard, unpleasant or any of the other negative adjectives you can think of flicks a switch in our brain, like switching on a light bulb, that somehow makes things just a little easier, brighter, bearable. You never know it may just be the difference between winning or losing, being successful or failing, surviving or losing the battle. So, what ever you are facing, be it a new diet, a new job, a competition, an exam or even an illness, look for the rainbow! What is your “pot of gold” at the end? What is the outcome that will be worth the struggle? That is your “positive spin” that is the rainbow that you follow, that is the light you switch on in your mind! What you think, is what you are!
